Trumpet – A Test Bed Performance
Based on the book by Jackie Kay; Picador; 1989 A Research and Development piece supported through Arts Council England, XR-Stories, Theatre in the Mill Produced by Vanitas Arts Directed by Amanda Huxtable When the famous jazz trumpet star Joss Moody dies the world learns that he was born a Black female. Joss had spent over 40 years with his breasts bound, in male clothing, and avoiding situations where he might be discovered. He had perceived his success as a jazz musician as an opportunity to live through art without the boundaries and structures that an oppressive society imposes to restrict individuals. Inspired by Jackie Kay’s novel Trumpet, this project is developing an immersive reimagined version of the story combining the disciplines of performance, live music, theatre, dance and moving image. We have received initial Research & Development funding from Arts Council England to develop a ‘Test Bed’ Sharing Performance comprising of three key scenes and connection Bridge Scenes, from which a full length performance will be developed that draws upon feedback and findings from this first phase. The Test Bed Sharing Performance(s) on January 2019 at DINA Performance Space in Sheffield were delivered to 120 audience members, identified as Activists, Artists/Practitioners, Academics and Venue Bookers/Programmers, through two performances and two Open Rehearsal sessions. Feedback and evaluation from this group of invited Critical Friends will inform the next stage development of the full performance |